Birch Class
Welcome to Birch Class!
EYFS Staff
Mr Smith - Birch Class Teacher
Mrs Brayford - Birch Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs Hazeldine - EYFS Teaching Assistant
Mrs Yardy - Elm Class Teacher (Trainee)
Mrs Coll - Elm Class Teacher (am)
- Our PE days are Mondays and Friday. Please send your children to school IN their PE kits for the day.
- Please ensure you write in reading diaries each time you read with your child as they receive dojos and raffle tickets for reading, based on the number of entries in reading diaries each week.
- Tapestry - Remember to upload any 'Magic Moments' that happen at home to Tapestry so that we can share these wonderful achievements with our class.
Letters to Parents Autumn 2024
Puddle Suits and Wellies Tapestry
Meet the Teacher Presentation for September 2024
autumn 1 skills overview 24 25.pdf
Look what we've been up to...
Don't forget to check Facebook as lots of what we do is on there too.